The main theme of the symposium is selected as “Interactions Between Climate Change and Sectors”. Thus, during the symposium interactions between climate change and agriculture, economy, energy, environment, forestry, health, society, tourism, transportation, water resources, etc.will be discussed. Besides the studies related with the abovementioned sectors, wide-range of studies covering other branches of atmospheric sciences and their field of applications given below are also welcomed. However, the conference itself is not limited to these topics and covers wide range of subjects in Atmospheric Sciences. We strongly encourage and welcome you to submit all related subjects in the symposium.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Air-Land-Sea Interactions
Air Pollution and Modeling
Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Atmospheric Environment
Aviation Meteorology
Chaos and Non-Linear Dynamics
Climate Modeling
Climatic Risks
Cloud Physics
Data Analysis in Atmospheric Sciences
Hydrology and Hydrometeorology
Impacts of Climate Change
Ionosphere & Magnetosphere
Maritime Meteorology
Meteorological Instrumentation
Meteorological Management
Remote Sensing in Atmospheric Sciences
Renewable Energy
Severe & Hazardous Weather
Solar & Atmospheric Radiation
Space Weather & Space Environment
Sun-Weather-Climate Relationships
Water Resources and Management
Weather Analysis, Prediction and Modeling
Other Related Topics…