Format for Full Text

Page Design: Text body area is 210 mm x 297 mm(A4). Margin should be 30mm from top and left side and 20 mm from down and right side. It should be in 10 pt. with Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word format.

Title should be in 14 pt. bold, capital letters with single line spacing. It should not exceed 80 characters.

Authors’ names and surnames should be successively and in 10pt. bold with Times New Roman font.

The authors’ name who will present the paper should be underlined. Authors’ affiliations, e-mail addresses should follow the title in 10pt bold with Times New Roman font.

Abstract should not exceed 250 words with the word “Abstract”. It should be written in Turkish and in English with single line spacing.

Key Words not exceeding 5 words.

Document Character: The manuscript should be written on a single column, with single line spacing, be double line spacing between paragraphs. Subtitles should be in 12pt. bold, capital letters and text body should be 10 pt. both with Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word format. It should be justified.

Tables and figures should be written in italic and the names of the tables must be written above the table and name of the figures must be written below the figure.

References should be written clearly without given numbers and alphabetically listed after authors’ surnames.

Length of the manuscript should not exceed 12 pages inserted figures and tables.