Registration and Full Paper Submission

Registration Fees


Type of Registration

Early Registration Fee

(Before Oct 3, 2022)

Late Registration Fee

(After Oct 3, 2022)

On-site Registration Fee

(Oct 18-21, 2022)

Participant with presentation from Turkey

300 TL

350 TL

400 TL

Student with presentation from Turkey                             

150 TL

150 TL

150 TL

Participant with presentation from other countries

60 Euro

75 Euro

90 Euro

Student with presentation from other countries

50 Euro

50 Euro

50 Euro

Account Information

Bank & Branch Name: Ziraat Bankası Başkent Şubesi

TRY : TR50 0001 0016 8339 0090 6150 04

EUR : TR93 0001 0016 8339 0090 6150 06


Account Name : TMMOB Meteoroloji Mühendisleri Odası

Following the Symposium; Peer-reviewed manuscripts will be published in the following Journals:

  • Turkish Journal of Engineering
  • International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences
  • Geomatik
  • Advanced Engineering Science

Important Remark

Participants who wish to submit their abstracts should visit the following web page  and upload their abstracts to the system.

For Full Paper Template, please click.